All Points Medical Waste Blog

Liquid Medical Waste in Hospitals

Handling & Disposing of Liquid Waste

Blood transfusion IV bagsHospitals generate large amounts of medical waste on a daily basis–including liquid medical waste that is contaminated with blood and other bodily fluids. This waste must be handled, stored and disposed of properly to avoid accidental exposure to staff, patients and visitors.

Types of Liquid Medical Waste Generated by Hospitals

Hospitals generate an array of different liquid medical waste, including waste that can be considered infectious and biohazardous including:

  • Spinal fluids
  • Blood
  • Blood by products
  • Dialysis waste
  • Saliva
  • Bodily secretions
  • Amniotic fluids 

The Importance of Safe Storage and Disposal of Liquid Medical Waste

Liquid medical waste in hospitals must be stored and disposed of properly to ensure safety and compliance. Improper storage and disposal can increase the risks of spills which can lead to exposure to infectious diseases, viruses and other dangerous pathogens as well as put the hospital in jeopardy of hefty fines and violations. Proper storage and disposal steps include:

  • Staff handling liquid medical waste must wear appropriate PPE
  • Collect liquid medical waste in approved waste containers
  • Containers for storage must be spill proof and have a locking lid or mechanism
  • Waste containers must be placed away from patients and visitors
  • Never pour liquid medical waste down the drain–this can lead to splashing and aerosolization

Training Staff on Proper Disposal

A key element to remaining compliant and ensuring the safety of employees and visitors is to implement an on-going training program. Hospital staff at all levels must understand and practice safe handling, storage and disposal of all medical waste generated in the facility, including liquid medical waste. This training must include the requirements mandated by various state and federal agencies including OSHA, the EPA and DOT. New team members must be trained before they are tasked with handling liquid waste.

Regular Pick-Ups Prevent Waste Accidents

Another top consideration for hospitals is to maintain a regular schedule of waste pick-ups. Liquid medical waste must be picked up and disposed of by a licensed medical waste disposal provider on a regular basis. This prevents containers from becoming overfilled which in turn prevents accidental spills.

All Points Medical Waste provides medical waste disposal to hospitals and a variety of other healthcare facilities throughout South Florida. We are a family-owned and operated company located in Stuart, Florida and offer safe disposal of liquid medical waste, as well as online training for staff. Give us a call today or fill out this form to learn more.

Dawn Connelly

Dawn is the vice president of All Points Medical Waste. All Points Medical Waste is a family-owned and operated medical waste disposal and compliance company that has been serving the Treasure Coast, Palm Beaches, and surrounding areas since 1994.
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