All Points Medical Waste Blog

What’s Happening with the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Top Questions & Concerns

We’re hearing about it day and night and it’s something that’s on the forefront of most people’s minds—the COVID-19 vaccine. There’s talk that a vaccine will soon be available and if you have questions and concerns, you’re not alone. Although everyone wants to be protected against this deadly virus that has claimed the lives of more than 250,000 Americans and millions of others across the world, many folks aren’t sure if they’ll get the vaccine—or if it will even be available to them. Here’s what’s happening with the COVID-19 vaccine:

When Will the Vaccine Be Available?

Two pharmaceutical companies in the USA have vaccines that have claimed nearly 95% effectiveness against the Coronavirus and are poised to receive FDA approval before the
end of 2020.

Will the Vaccine Be Safe?

Pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Moderna have developed COVID-19 vaccines and have performed rigorous testing and clinical trials in which there has been few if any serious side effects. The testing included a subsequent booster shot which also showed very little, if any side effects. Although these vaccines have been created under a compressed timeline (many vaccines historically take years to develop), the urgent nature of this pandemic has required testing to be highly scrutinized and more than two months of data has reported that the vaccines are safe and even more effective than originally expected. Once approved, both vaccines could be ready for distribution before we celebrate the New Year.

Who Will Be Able to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

As you’d expect, there are many factors that must be considered in the planning for the distribution of the vaccine. The federal government will oversee a centralized system to order, distribute, and track them. Detailed plans are in process to prioritize the most vulnerable members of society. This includes our elderly population, those with underlying health conditions, healthcare workers and others on the frontlines.
The CDC will manage all orders from vaccine providers who will receive the vaccine from a centralized distributor or directly from the manufacturer.
Additional factors that are part of the planning process include:

  • Establishing and testing logistics with manufacturers that are part of CDC’s centralized COVID-19 vaccine delivery system
  • Organizing the first distribution of vaccines and needed supplies from centralized locations
  • Establishing ordering procedures for additional doses of the vaccine
  • Ensuring the vaccines are received and stored properly at specific temperatures
  • Creating a plan to decide who will receive a vaccine first
  • Establishing guidelines to safely distribute and administer the vaccines during the ongoing pandemic
  • Creating a process to manage vaccine inventory, administration, and any reported side effects
  • Determining protocols to assess vaccine effectiveness
  • Ensuring that timely, credible, and clear communication is provided to the public

Will There Be Enough Vaccines for Everyone?

Once the FDA approves the vaccines for distribution, there will be a limited supply. So initially, it will not be available to everyone. While this is concerning, the manufacturers are working on accelerating their supply once distribution begins. The federal government has begun investing in select COVID-19 manufacturers which they believe will enable them to slowly increase their supply at a steady rate to have enough vaccines for as many people as possible. The end goal is for healthcare providers all over the country to be amply supplied to administer the vaccine to their patients—including physicians, pharmacies, hospitals and other qualified healthcare facilities.

As we continue to face the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to stay informed about what’s happening to allow you and your family to continue to stay safe and healthy. Until you are able to receive the vaccine, it’s recommended that you follow the guidelines of the CDC and local authorities including wearing a mask in public, consistent hand washing and sanitizing.

All Points Medical Waste is a family-owned and operated company in Stuart, Florida. We’re dedicated to providing resources to you, your family and our community to help protect everyone from the risks of COVID-19. We provide comprehensive medical waste disposal services to customers from Okeechobee County, through the Treasure Coast all the way down to Broward County. Give us a call today or fill out this form to get more information.

Dawn Connelly

Dawn is the vice president of All Points Medical Waste. All Points Medical Waste is a family-owned and operated medical waste disposal and compliance company that has been serving the Treasure Coast, Palm Beaches, and surrounding areas since 1994.
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