All Points Medical Waste Blog

October is Dental Hygiene Month

Dental Hygienists Deserve Appreciation!

Not many folks enjoy going to the dentist, but it’s a definite necessity to take care of your health—not just your oral health, but your overall health. Tooth decay and gum disease are factors that can have an adverse effect on your entire body, so regular cleanings and dental check-ups are a key part of staying healthy and well. Since the advent of the pandemic, dental hygienists have continued to help people stay healthy, all while protecting their patients against COVID-19 by being diligent with properly disposing of dental waste.

Why Proper Disposal of Dental Waste is Crucial

Just like all other types of medical waste, dental waste can contain bacteria, blood, bodily fluids and other pathogens that can spread viruses and diseases.

Dental hygienists are at the front line when it comes to disposal of waste generated during cleanings, dental procedures and treatments.

It’s not only their job to ensure you have a safe cleaning, but also to safeguard you against exposure to waste. There are numerous medical waste materials that can pose a risk to patients as well as hygienists and other dental staff members including:

  • Gauze
  • Gloves
  • Cotton
  • Mercury
  • Amalgam
  • X Rays
  • Chemical solutions

All Points Medical Waste helps dental practices protect their staff and patients with full-service medical waste disposal. We provide all that’s needed to reduce the risk of exposure including bags, containers, bins, sharps containers and more. We also work with you to create a pick-up schedule according to your needs and the amount of waste that your practice generates.

We are located in Stuart, Florida and serve South Florida dentists from Okeechobee County all the way to Broward County. Give us a call today or fill out this form to learn more.

Dawn Connelly

Dawn is the vice president of All Points Medical Waste. All Points Medical Waste is a family-owned and operated medical waste disposal and compliance company that has been serving the Treasure Coast, Palm Beaches, and surrounding areas since 1994.
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