All Points Medical Waste Blog

What Must Be Recorded on OSHA Injury & Illness Reports?

What Employers Need To Know To Remain Compliant

Worker sitting at desk labeled, "Safety Manager"In addition to understanding and following all the regulations related to medical waste storage and disposal and workplace safety, businesses must abide by OSHA mandates when it comes to reporting illnesses and injuries that occur at the workplace. According to OSHA standard 29 CFR Part 1904, employers must keep and maintain detailed records of work-related incidents at all times.

Work-Related Incidents That Must Be Recorded

Keeping accurate and up-to-date records of workplace injuries and illnesses is required by OSHA and businesses that do not follow these standards can be subject to violations and fines. Incidents that must be reported include the following:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Death
  • Illnesses or injuries that cause days away from work
  • Necessary medical treatment beyond first aid
  • Needlestick or sharps injuries
  • Injuries that cause work restrictions or transfer to another position
  • Hearing loss caused by workplace condition
  • Exposure to tuberculosis or tuberculosis infection
  • Significant injury or illness as diagnosed by a physician

When to Report Injuries or Illnesses

Illnesses and injuries that occur at the workplace must be recorded within seven days of the incident and kept on file for five years according to OSHA guidelines.

What About Protecting Employee Privacy?

There are strict regulations in place by OSHA and other government agencies to protect the privacy of employees. Because of this, certain injuries and illnesses must be recorded differently, excluding the employee’s name and instead listing “privacy case” on the log. These cases including the following:

  • Mental Illness
  • Illness or injury to an intimate part of the employee’s body or reproductive system
  • Illness or injury from sexual assault
  • Hepatitis, HIV or TB
  • Sharps injuries that result in contamination from another person’s blood or bodily fluid
  • Injuries or illnesses that result in employee requesting privacy

Which OSHA Forms Must be Used for Recording?

OSHA requires employers use the following forms for recording workplace incidents that result in illness or injury:

OSHA 300: Record of work-related injuries and illnesses

OSHA 300-A: Summary of all injuries and illnesses that occur at the workplace

OSHA 301: Injury and illness incident report

Implementing OSHA training for all employees can help prevent workplace injuries and illnesses. As an employer, it’s crucial that you have a training program in place and that you follow the mandates set forth by OSHA and other agencies.

All Points Medical Waste provides online OSHA training and full service medical waste disposal. We are committed to helping you protect your team by providing safe medical waste disposal on a regular schedule as well as the proper containers for medical waste collection and storage. Give us a call today or complete the form on this page to learn more.


Dawn Connelly

Dawn is the vice president of All Points Medical Waste. All Points Medical Waste is a family-owned and operated medical waste disposal and compliance company that has been serving the Treasure Coast, Palm Beaches, and surrounding areas since 1994.
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